Tyra's SECRET ABC Gallery

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Here are some pics of my ABC minis, now in CLEAR version!

Warp Shaman Front (100% Sculpted)

Warp Shaman Rear (100% Sculpted)

Badger Infantry 1 Front (~75% Sculpted)

Badger Infantry 1, Side (~75% Sculpted)

Badger Infantry 2, Front (~75% Sculpted)

Badger Infantry 2, Side (~75% Sculpted)

Work In Progress Version of Tyra. Will have 'B' and 'C' next to the 'A'. Base will be painted. Details need to be fixed. No, that is not what his face looks like. No, he doesnt usually wear the hat or the armour. (~5% Sculpted)

Work In Progress of a new badger shaman, riding into battle on a pillar of warp-fire